ARCH ENEMY vyšla kompilace

ARCH ENEMY ve spolupráci s metalovým magazínem Metal Hammer vydali kompilační CD s názvem "Dawn Of Khaos".

Seznam skladeb:
1. Yesterday Is Dead And Gone (new song)
2. No Gods, No Masters (new song)
3. The Oath (KISS cover)
4. My Apocalypse ("Doomsday Machine", 2005)
5. Nemesis ("Doomsday Machine", 2005)
6. Dead Eyes See No Future ("Tyrants Of The Rising Sun – Live", 2008)
7. We Will Rise ("Anthems Of Rebellion", 2003)
8. Revolution Begins ("Rise Of The Tyrant", 2007)
9. Ravenous ("Wages Of Sin", 2001)
10. Beast Of Man ("The Root Of All Evil", 2009)
11. Dark Insanity (Live From Metal Female Voices Festival, 2010)
12. I Will Live Again (Live From Metal Female Voices Festival, 2010)

19.4.2011 (

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