Colombia’s ESHTADUR Conjures Cosmic Melodic Death Metal With “Umbra”

Hailing from Colombia, Eshtadur is a cosmic melodic death metal force that sails forth to consume everything in its path. It has been a one-man project since 2009 and has produced five albums since then covering themes such as mysticism, magic, philosophy, humanity, and ancient shamanism. There is a new single “Umbra”, which dives deep into those themes as explained further by Jorg August:

“This is the purest and darkest song I’ve ever written, evoking existence and cosmos. There’s a unique moment, a special frame of time when conjure is in its most powerful phase, the darkest side of shadows where light is almost gone, the umbra, far beyond the penumbra, and there… what happens, what can’t be measured, what can’t be touched or palpated, intangible obscurity, mighty magic in the hands of a mystique and ancient entity, the shaman.”


August considers himself lucky to have been able to employ the services of the Caldas Symphony Orchestra to contribute cellos, violins, and horns to the aggressive drums, and mystique Colombian original folk instrument “Tiple” as well as an ancient native language known as “Purhepecha” originating from Michoacán (precolombine ancient America C.1200).


The darkest song of Eshtadur, is profound and dense with heavy guitars and growls, “Umbra” takes melodic death metal into a new realm of creativity and traditional sounds. It is recommended for fans of Hypocrisy, Septic Flesh, and Behemoth.



Article | Colombia’s ESHTADUR Conjures Cosmic Melodic Death Metal With “Umbra” •

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