

Sermons of the Infidel [EP]

Sermons of the Infidel [EP]

1. Hymn to the Gods of Yore
2. Trumpets of Dawn
3. I Am the Infidel
4. Child of the Millennia
5. Son of the Dragon
6. Sermon of the Devil Preacher
7. Alone Against the World (bonus)
8. Thermopylac (bonus)
9. City of Satan
10. Chosen by the Gods
11. Chapel of Doom (bonus)
12. Blood in the Sneeuw (bonus)
13. The Veils of Negative Existence (bonus)
14. Fueuer und Blut / HellΒ΄s Rock & Roll (Live) (bonus)

Total time: 66:46

Album | COUNTESS - Sermons of the Infidel [EP] (2014) • Deadzine.eu

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